
DÉSIRS / olivier pé

After the 2011 presentation of the collection of monumental paintings entitled "Garden of days" – which was intended to occupy the nave of the Saint Pholien church (Liège) – Olivier Pé (who was born in 1972 and worked in Liège) will be showcasing his new research in the halls of the Grand Curtius museum on 28 January. These works were started more than fifteen years ago. A collection of drawings, ink works and paintings are presented in a journey that unfolds like the pages and chapters of the same book. An open book at the edge of the night, on density and sensitivity and the whispering signs of the desiring body. No thunderous words, but an invitation to the closeness and intimacy of the eyes.

"... nudity is not the undressed body: it is the unveiling of its intimate pulses, the unearthing of what trembles within, the forces that cross it from one side to the other and cause the image to appear... " (op 015)